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Progress in Pay-for-Success

The world is getting closer to a more sustainable model for pay-for-success arrangements. Reinvestment Fund, out of Philadelphia, announced a $10 million fund last year to support pay-for-success projects in a portfolio approach that would diversify investors from the risk of any single project.

Social Programs Work Better than Bonds

Social Impact Programs Work…But Their Bonds Don’t

The United Way of Salt Lake is funding early childhood education through a pay-for-success program. The program promises significant cost savings to the State of Utah and demonstrates a strong business case to scale the program. But is that enough to make it a good social impact bond?

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What is a Social Impact Bond?

Around the world, innovative financing methods are being used to tackle social issues. Programs and organizations typically funded by grants are constantly at the mercy of governments who have trouble thinking past the next election cycle. As a result, when spending cuts need to be made governments typically look for the quickest fix – cutting social services.